I've stressed about this. A LOT. It's important to find the perfect
day bag and shoe for Europe. Here is the advertisement of requirements
needed to fill such a role:
Must be...
- Comfortable (huge deal breaker here)
- Not look ugly
- Match almost everything I'm going to wear
- Not give me blisters (refer to point 1, above...)
- Fit my huge Nikon 1 camera with both lenses
- Hold a sweater if I decide I'm not cold
- Be able to fit all the crap I buy that I don't want to lug around
- Zip closed at the top
- Work as a cross-body bag (for bike tours, etc.)
As you can see, this is a big deal. Those are big lists! Added to the fact that I don't care for cross-body bags on me, this made it a tough challenge. Last night I determinedly marched into the mall with the single thought in mind that: I'm not leaving here without a day bag or shoes. Tonight's the night!
And voila, I found the two items above at Aldo! (Which incidentally is the same store I vowed never to buy shoes from again... but I'm desperate. And they're cute...). The shoes are super comfy! And look cute on! The day bag is amazing because the bottom expands for more room if needed, and the top flap can stand up to hold even more of my crap if I need to really shove it full! And I can convert the strap into a shoulder strap or cross-body on the fly. It's amazing. Oh, and has lots of pockets - the cup holders of day bags!
Aldo store lady was very very nice and patient and offered to order my size shoes and new day bag online and ship to my house for free. So I'm eagerly awaiting their arrival.
Countdown to our Contiki is 21 days! Exactly 3 weeks! Aaaaanndd... I still have stuff left to buy. :P But, I'm getting very close to being ready!